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Versão: v2.6.0

Project Config

The project config resides in the wails.json file in the project directory. The structure of the config is:

// Project config version
"version": "",
// The project name
"name": "",
// Relative path to the directory containing the compiled assets, this is normally inferred and could be left empty
"assetdir": "",
// Additional directories to trigger reloads (comma separated), this is only used for some advanced asset configurations
"reloaddirs": "",
// The directory where the build files reside. Defaults to 'build'
"build:dir": "",
// Relative path to the frontend directory. Defaults to 'frontend'
"frontend:dir": "",
// The command to install node dependencies, run in the frontend directory - often `npm install`
"frontend:install": "",
// The command to build the assets, run in the frontend directory - often `npm run build`
"frontend:build": "",
// This command has been replaced by frontend:dev:build. If frontend:dev:build is not specified will falls back to this command. \nIf this command is also not specified will falls back to frontend:build
"frontend:dev": "",
// This command is the dev equivalent of frontend:build. If not specified falls back to frontend:dev
"frontend:dev:build": "",
// This command is the dev equivalent of frontend:install. If not specified falls back to frontend:install
"frontend:dev:install": "",
// This command is run in a separate process on `wails dev`. Useful for 3rd party watchers or starting 3d party dev servers
"frontend:dev:watcher": "",
// URL to a 3rd party dev server to be used to serve assets, EG Vite. \nIf this is set to 'auto' then the devServerUrl will be inferred from the Vite output
"frontend:dev:serverUrl": "",
// Relative path to the directory that the auto-generated JS modules will be created
"wailsjsdir": "",
// The name of the binary
"outputfilename": "",
// The default time the dev server waits to reload when it detects a change in assets
"debounceMS": 100,
// Address to bind the wails dev sever to. Default: localhost:34115
"devServer": "",
// Arguments passed to the application in shell style when in dev mode
"appargs": "",
// Defines if build hooks should be run though they are defined for an OS other than the host OS.
"runNonNativeBuildHooks": false,
"preBuildHooks": {
// The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS/GOARCH: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/GOARCH" hook is executed before the "GOOS/*" and "*/*" hook.
// The command that will be executed before a build of the specified GOOS: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH". The "GOOS/*" hook is executed before the "*/*" hook.
"GOOS/*": "",
// The command that will be executed before every build: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH".
"*/*": ""
"postBuildHooks": {
// The command that will be executed after a build of the specified GOOS/GOARCH: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH" and ${bin} with the path to the compiled binary. The "GOOS/GOARCH" hook is executed before the "GOOS/*" and "*/*" hook.
// The command that will be executed after a build of the specified GOOS: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH" and ${bin} with the path to the compiled binary. The "GOOS/*" hook is executed before the "*/*" hook.
"GOOS/*": "",
// The command that will be executed after every build: ${platform} is replaced with the "GOOS/GOARCH" and ${bin} with the path to the compiled binary.
"*/*": ""
// Data used to populate manifests and version info.
"info": {
// The company name. Default: [The project name]
"companyName": "",
// The product name. Default: [The project name]
"productName": "",
// The version of the product. Default: '1.0.0'
"productVersion": "",
// The copyright of the product. Default: 'Copyright.........'
"copyright": "",
// A short comment of the app. Default: 'Built using Wails (https://wails.app)'
"comments": ""
// 'multiple': One installer per architecture. 'single': Single universal installer for all architectures being built. Default: 'multiple'
"nsisType": "",
// Whether the app should be obfuscated. Default: false
"obfuscated": "",
// The arguments to pass to the garble command when using the obfuscated flag
"garbleargs": ""

This file is read by the Wails CLI when running wails build or wails dev.

The assetdir, reloaddirs, wailsjsdir, debounceMS, devserver and frontenddevserverurl flags in wails build/dev will update the project config and thus become defaults for subsequent runs.

The JSON Schema for this file is located here.